Meinten Sie: RED II - solo version


6 min
Edition Juliane Klein


  • 世界初演: Deborah Rawlings (ensemble:hörsinn), Cité Internationale des Arts パリ 2009
  • ドイツ初演:Jan Gerdes, "Tasten09", Düsseldorf, 2009


In my almost 8 years in Japan I was very interested in placing the elements of the music separatly in front of backgrounds, silent one ore plain one, especially the golden one of Japanese paintings and the parts of Shô in gagaku music. Now back in Germany I tried to do the opposite by erasing all backgrounds, placing the elements as close as possible together and creating a new color in my music, a strong red. After checking my most favorite titel "RJED" (the international airport codes RJ for Japan and ED for Germany) with an internet search engine, it convinced me by asking "Did you mean: RED".
(Peter Gahn)